Becky Dean/B.L. Dean
Becky Dean writes stories full of action, humor, and romance. When she’s not busy traveling, drinking tea, or watching sci-fi shows on TV, she enjoys planning adventures for herself and her characters. She has visited over thirty countries and yet somehow her travel wish list keeps growing. Though she lives in Texas with her husband and young daughter, she remains a California girl at heart. Find her online to discuss books, fandoms, and far-off places. Her contemporary young adult work includes LOVE & OTHER GREAT EXPECTATIONS (June 2022), PICTURE-PERFECT BOYFRIEND (JUNE 2023), HEARTS OVERBOARD (July 2024), and LOVE UNMASKED (July 2025) from Delacorte Press.
As B.L. Dean her young adult science fiction includes the Shades of Starlight series from Aethon Books: ROGUE PURSUIT, PIRATE’S CODE, SHADOW GAMES, and FINAL BREAK (2023).
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